Yearnings For Home

Link to concert Information

About the Project

I am excited to announce a new musical project that I am working on called Yearnings For Home. The project includes two violin concerti composed by Tristan Latchford, an English composer and friend, who I met at Peabody that will be performed in Cambridge, England this May (2024).

The principal concerto, written for and in collaboration with me, gives the title to the project. It is a programmatic work with theatrical elements based on a poem by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper entitled “Yearnings For Home.” The second concerto was written by Tristan 10 years ago and includes Baroque and Folk-Punk influences. The whole project has been an exciting, personal, and timely adventure for me and I am so grateful for Tristan’s enthusiasm, thoughtful listening, and rich music.


As we are now in preparation for the performances, Tristan and I are in the process of raising funds to finance our plans that include the performance of three concerts at three different venues - St Mary’s, St Andrews, and All Saints Churches – alongside two potential student masterclasses given by me at local schools in Cambridge. In addition, we hope to raise money to help cover some of my travel expenses. Therefore, I would be I would be honored and grateful for your financial support to help make this project a success. 

 I am accepting donations through my PayPal (@Claire Hebeisen) and Venmo (@Claire-Hebeisen). It has also been requested that all donors specify whether the money is intended for my travel expenses or general concert expenses (both of which are useful and appreciated.)

Thank you!

I will provide weekly project progress updates to donors of any amount that will include short recordings and photos. Donors of $30 or more are welcome to attend a ‘dress rehearsal’ in early May where I will be performing the two concerti with piano before I go to England. Tristan has promised recognition of contribution to all donors, such as a discounted CD, a special photo pack from the concerts, or, if we raise enough money, discounts on a possible U.S. tour of the program later this year.

Thank you for taking the time to read about this project. I sincerely appreciate your interest and support!
